Comments |
11:55:48 AM - Wally McClure - Smiling Mike beats the Kuest 2 up. Upset special.
11:55:27 AM - Wally McClure - Kuest misses just on the left
11:54:39 AM - Wally McClure - Kuest has a must make on 17 to hope to extend the match.
11:53:51 AM - Wally McClure - Smiling Mike hits his bunker shot to about 9’ on 17 and is putting almost directly up hill.
11:53:12 AM - Wally McClure - Kuest chillidipped his third on 17 into the bunker but has come out to about 10, he is putting for a bogie.
11:50:00 AM - Wally McClure - Smilin Mike hits it in the front left bunker on 17
11:48:37 AM - Wally McClure - This is a bit of a surprise here. Kuest is one down playing 17.