Wally Test 2
Wally Test 2
Last Updated:7:27:04.498 PM
Team Front 9 Back 9 Total Place Holes P/S
McClure Team
Last Entry:6:23:39.200 PM
-4 -9 -13 1 18 / 3-A
Kirsten Team
Last Entry:6:24:35.337 PM
-4 -9 -13 2 18 / 1
Ronda Team
Last Entry:6:26:12.130 PM
-9 -4 -13 3 18 / 10-A
Brad Team
Last Entry:6:24:47.003 PM
-4 -8 -12 4 18 / 5-A
Hole By Hole Scores
Holes for Long Drive
Hole #9 Hole #18
Brad Team - Bandit 6:29:59 PM
Closest To The Hole
Hole Distance Team Player Entered
17 Feet: 16 Inches: 4.0 Brad Team Bandit 6:21:49 PM
18 Feet: 18 Inches: 3.0 McClure Team Tom 9:18:35 AM
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